Harmony - fellas is it gay to kill your murder best friend who’s a war criminal? - Sat, Apr 15, 2023

CW: suicide & rape

Harmony is an anime movie I somehow rented from RedBox back in the day and somehow watched it by myself as a teenager and it didn’t affect me?? It’s an interesting movie for the concept it’s trying to get across, but at the same time the movie is pretty well animated.

The story of the movie is about a girl and her two friends, when they’re all young teenagers one of them comes up with the wacky idea to form a suicide pact and all kill themselves together. Only one girl succeeds the one who came up with the idea but the other two are obviously shaken by the whole ordeal. The main character dedicates herself to becoming this sort of future protector after the event.

After many years go by the two characters meet up for lunch and have a discussion where the one character tells the main character that she was the one to turn the group in and expresses feeling guilty for her actions after the fact. She then apologizes and picks up a butter knife and brutally slashes her own neck and kills herself in front of the main character. It’s revealed that at the same time many people around the world have also committed suicide and after some arguing the main character is tasked with finding out who is the mastermind behind this and how it happened.

The main character quickly learns that the future sci-fy AI program that controls all peoples health and actively monitors and prescribes them drugs based on these monitors has a terrible backdoor. This backdoor allows the controllers to hook everyone in the system up to a global synced cyber brain that would take over their consincensis. This is deemed as bad to the main character because what is life without free will?

Because of this the villain reveals themselves and it turns out to have been the dead friend that killed themselves, except she never really died. It turned out she never really died and was the test subject for that special program that is the backdoor. This is because she comes from a special race of people who don’t have a consincensis and instead just react based on external stimuli. The villain reveals that before she had a consincensis she was raped by some soldiers and that as she was being raped she somehow manifested a consincensis and from then on hatched the idea to kill mankind.

The main character then expresses her love for the villain and proclaims to carry on her dream but at the cost of the villains life. As they embrace she shoots her. The movie quickly ends with a scene of presumably the main character looking over a grave that displays html that says “Goodbye, me. Goodbye, soul.”.

And that’s it, a lot of the movie is just the main character talking to herself in the third person and reflecting over the villain. It’s an interesting watch for the visuals, which aren’t half bad. It just does not have much action and lots of the runtime is the main character just talking to herself.

The main appeal to me was the technical system and how to interconnects peoples lives. I wonder how a system like that in our world would function and if it would be accepted. Even in the story they take time to explain that there are people who aren’t connected to this system and as such have reduced lifespan and die of more natural causes than people outside of the system. I also wouldn’t give the movie like a rating because it just feels like one of those D or C movie’s. It just gets points for creativity.